Tsuriman - For Golan Heights Youth
A non-profit to support youth in the Golan suburbs
The association was established with the aim of supporting and giving benevolent tools to the youth
Cafe Lashevet
Cafe Lashevet
Youth Center
Youth Center
Training Center
Training Center
News & Updates

הלו"ז החדש של צורימן!
don't lose the לוז!
כל המידע בפנים..

נשימהות – מעגל נשי לאמהות למתבגרים/ות
המעגל הוא המקום שבו אנו יכולות להניח לכל הקולות שבנו להיות ללא שיפוט, לכל פנינו להתגלות, לכל חלקינו להתרווח בנוחות בעולם.

קפה לשבט – חם, טעים ונעים
Artists village in Ani'am
מוזמנים באהבה 💓
רביעי 10:00-1500 | חמישי 10:00-19:00 (ג'אם סשן 18:00)

קבוצה מעמיקה ללימוד ותרגול של 12 הצעדים
קבוצת העמקה ללימוד ותרגול 12 הצעדים נפתחת ב 10.10.23
Our Vision
To allow youths in the periphery a new opportunity for a process of development and beneficial integration into society and the community, which will be a strength factor for themselves, their environment and Israeli society.
The Tsuriman Association is the first association established in the Golan with the aim of promoting the youth who are on the risk continuum.
Establishing a network of supplementary centers for treatment, guidance, counseling and prevention, based on a holistic view of the needs of the youth and their environment, and with the help of cooperation with the local communities and the factors relevant to the development of the youth
Tsuriman is the name of an ancient village, abandoned and barren, on the edge of the Golan Heights. Whoever looks deep into it, will discover, beyond its ruins, a paradise of springs, sweet fruits and remains of ancient art.
דויד עזרן ("פותחים יום") על יריד אומנות מוסיקה ואוכל בכפר האמנים אניעם
Our Focus
The youth at the center - We regretted our flag to be a support for the youth in the process of dealing with the various system elements. We will listen to their individual needs and build a personalized rehabilitation plan, together with each girl and boy.
Personal and social responsibility - The youth is the human raw material that can bring about changes in society and community. They have the drive and bursting energy needed to make revolutions.
sense of belonging - We believe that internal motivation and a desire for change will come through the empowerment of the youth and building an infrastructure with the help of a connection with a significant adult who sees and believes in them in order to allow them to feel a significant part of the community.
Sustainability is in our nature - Education for love and preservation of the environment through soil work and environmental education, as part of a holistic view that speaks of the essential connection to the continuation of human life on earth.
The Crew

Ya'ara Sulimani | Founder and CEO, director of the youth center and therapy area
All my life I grew up in the Golan and the Golan is my home and the place of my youth. As a social worker for over a decade, specializing in field work with teenagers, I had the privilege of learning their language. After endless conversations with boys and girls and from many years of work in therapy and workshops for teenagers, I realized that the youth need to talk to a person who knows how to listen to them, who connects with them and helps them discover themselves through a shared and deep process of inner clarity. I founded this association because I believe that putting the marginalized youth in the center is a worthwhile investment and an opportunity to invest in a better future!

Shirley Gottfried Shinar | Coordinator of training and volunteers
Mother of 3, mind-body therapist for 25 years accompanying and supporting people in healing processes. Facilitates circles and workshops and teaches tools for listening and movement out of inspiration. Loves to learn and explore the worlds of the soul, and to lend a hand to those walking the path.

Michal Nasi | The manager of the cafe
I take care of integrative nutrition, raise 3 children (Hila Gili and Or) and a husband, some spices and beds in my garden in Moshav Nef. Owner of the dining table studio - a place for nutrition, people and food. I research (food), chop, mix and love wine, people and food. Works with children and youth in the garden and kitchen Conducts workshops and lectures. "The place to bond with someone you don't know is to eat their food." Believes in meeting the youth in the kitchen and what it calls for, waiting for it every day.
Our board of directors
Zion Gabay | Chairman of the association
Previously CEO of the Elem Association and CEO of the Friendship Foundation, he held a number of senior positions in the Education and Youth Department of Joint Israel and was involved in the education and teaching of disconnected youth and training in therapeutic settings for girls in need. Currently the CEO of Derech Lotan, an association that focuses on nature care for at-risk youth.
Sivan Or | Committee member
Living in the Golan Heights in Moshav Kanaf, she comes from the field of business and tourism escort. So far she accompanied and guided the youth in establishing the cafe, from dream to reality. She is the coordinator of the field of tourism and culture Eshkol Galil Mizrahi and works in the field of the Golan Regional Council and the Katzrin Local Council as part of her role in tourism.
Hofit Kedem Atar | Committee member
Lives in the Golan Heights in Kibbutz Mevo Hama in the south of the Golan. Comes from the field of accompaniment in the management of family and business financial resources. Will accompany the association in the field of financial management.